Platinum Studios

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Platinum Studios, Inc is a comic book character based entertainment company which controls a large library of comic book characters. The company produces film, television, and merchandise, and is a licensor of rights.

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Scott Mitchell Rosenberg

Head of Content

Scott Mitchell Rosenberg is chairman of Platinum Studios, an entertainment company that controls the world's largest independent library of comic book characters and adapts them for film, television, and all other media. As chariman, Scott has played an integral role in creating the largest bible in comic book history: the Platinum Studios Macro-verse, which includes anchor titles such as Cowboys & Aliens and Unique. Scott established Platinum Studios in 1997, following a successful, high-profile career as the founder of Malibu Comics, a leading independent comic book company that was sold to Marvel Comics in 1994. During his time at Malibu, Scott led many successful comics spin offs into toys, television, and feature films, including the billion-dollar film and television phenomenon Men in Black.

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